Friday, 3. June 2005

Last proposal before summer break

WRT the recent discussion, at GTxA, at GameDevBlog, at Zen of Design (twice), at Terranova (twice), and at Design Synthesis, on the subject of Game AI, I propose thinking in terms of the "_ Actor *"-calculus, where "_ " represents the idea of recursion, "Actor" represents the idea of an actor that can act on all Solvable Terms of her story by solving them, and act on all Unsolvable Terms of her story by solving their types, and "*" represents the idea of the fixed point at which all Unsolvable Terms get equalled; then they get typed by the context of their appearance in the Story - the current position in Story Space-Time, and, via "_", get passed back to the Actor to type-solve.

With that, I annonce the summer break for Robot Soul. I'll reply to comments as they appear, but will not start any new threads for a while, as my summer project deserves all the attention I can give it. If the Into The Woods introduction to the "Hero's Journey" idea is any indication, some of the smarter game designers will read up on drama and acting (DOC format, but excellent reading list) during their summer vacation, which will enhance communication and the spread of these ideas to the more tech-oriented quarters of the game developer community. You heard it hear first.

See you in September.

Recent Comments

I feel fine.
I know someone will comment on it soon :-) Theatre...
scheuring - 14. Jun, 10:24
How do you feel when...
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Magical - 14. Jun, 09:19
Thanks, Brian,
for this interesting invitation. Since, by your own...
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Dirk, I like the thinking. Because of that expertise,...
Brian Hoecht - 13. May, 22:05
you're welcome.
scheuring - 29. Apr, 16:29
thanks scheuring!
Cool, that seems to cover most of the basics. Definitely...
drgold - 28. Apr, 05:41
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