Meyerhold and Stanislawski

Vsevolod Meyerhold was a Russian actor and theatre director who sought a theatre capable of revealing "inner dialogue by means of the music of plastic movement" (Meyerhold on Theatre, Edward Braun). Together with Konstantin Stanislavski, he revolutionized professional acting in the early 20th century - for actors who are humans, that is. One of the questions that I'm interested in discussing in this blog is whether the tools and exercises that human actors and directors have derived from Meyerhold's and Stanislavski's insights since the 1930's can help us today in creating actors that are non-human - virtual actors.

So here's my Assumption #2:

Actor = HumanActor | VirtualActor

Put less formally, I assume that a human actor can be substituted by a human-made, virtual actor.

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I feel fine.
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you're welcome.
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thanks scheuring!
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