What is a spectator?

Following Meyerhold, Antohin offers the definition:

Spectator = Director = Character = Actor
Thirty years later I still ask the same question -- where does theatre begin?

I know the answer.

Not with an actor, but with your gaze at the space which becomes stage, charged with your expectations. Yes, theatre starts with the public.

Public could be one single soul. It's me, director. I prepare the spectacle for them, I know what they want because I am a spectator myself. I know what I want to see.

Directing is easy, to be a spectator is not...
"Theatre starts with the public." Bot Creators often refer to their Spectators as clients. Extended into the botmaster's domain, the above equation reads:

Spectator = Director = Character = Actor = client | bot

Assumption #2, again. Turing's assumption.

The theatre experience starts with the public's gaze. The chatbot experience starts with the client sending the CONNECT string.

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